who are we

ArtOf is a family run independent developer and publisher based in Plymouth, United Kingdom.

We communicate complex knowledge using a unique visual techniques, innovative product design and technology to create the next generation of self-help products.

The product of 30 years experience in enterprise and education, the Artof products are a result of over a decade of research and development using proven techniques to empower, leaders, learners and businesses to achieve.

Independent developer and publisher, specialising in

creating pioneering self help solutions.

artof users

Used by individuals, businesses and educational institutions alike the ArtOf products and tools enable professional progression. Such as :

ENTREPRENEURS : A solution with a difference, pushing you to think creatively and be better at business. Making problem solving easier and encouraging personal development.

ENTERPRISE : Equipping all levels of your organisation for innovation, change and business improvement. Empowering your workforce to seek solutions and solve problems.

EDUCATION : Bringing learning alive, providing learners with a foundation for the world of business and using a modern learning model to encourage thoughtful, collaborative study, opinion and action.

what we do

The Artof series offers a intuitive educational toolkit that combines a print book with an iBook and a mobile app, all underpinned by a unique visual learning method.

We create, develop and publish innovative self help solutions around a strong set of product, brand and design principles.

This is supported by real world examples and case studies of the tools being used in a variety on industries and with multiple generations and learning styles. Readers are equipped with both instant visual knowledge and interactive practical tools, to create a complete package of learning content that can be used anywhere and anytime.

The first bundle is the business-focused ArtOf Enterprise.



tools to unleash potential


principles of a subject in a visual


just learn what you need,

when you need it


practical tools to solve real

life problems